Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ch ch ch changes

Last week Arthur started at a new school. It's a Montessori, which basically means that the approach is to provide academically enriching activities for the child to chose from and let them work at their own pace and on what they chose to work on. This sounds pretty unstructured, but it's mega-structure compared to the play-based parent co-op Arthur had been attending.

Last week was his first official week at his new school, but he only attended for about a day-and-a-half, due to runny noses and grandparents in town. Monday was mega-meltdown day. He screamed and yelled and fell on the floor writhing when I tried to drop him off. Finally I pried his hands from the door and ran, and he was ok. Yesterday was Tumblebus day, promptly at 9, so that was easy. And today he walked right in, I said "Adios" (the Spanish teacher comes Wednesdays) and took off. All good.

Arthur doesn't do so well with transitions, so it's no shock there'd be a couple bumps. The biggest challenge may be getting used to the teacher, who today passed on a note that said: "Arthur got a timeout during recess today for saying to the other children in the sandbox 'stinky penis.' Please discuss this with him tonight."

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