Monday, April 20, 2009

Hot stuff

Now that we have a kitchen, it's too hot to cook indoors. 93 today, so we'll be grilling dinner.

Happily coinciding with the completion of the kitchen is the start of our CSA season. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture; you pay a farm at the beginning of the year for your whole spring-summer-fall's worth of produce, and the farm has cash for its expenses. This particular farm has been doing this for 14 years, and there's a waiting list every year, so it's gotta be good.

This means we're getting all kind of crazy vegetables that I have no idea what to do with. Fortunately the woman at the farm sends out an email each week with cooking instructions and recipes.

Tonight I'm making something with leeks and broccoli, to go with the grass-fed steak from the Menlo Park farmers market

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