Friday, April 24, 2009

Fava beans, leeks and "green garlic"

These are three of the items from the first four CSA shares that I have never cooked with before. But leeks go well with steamed broccoli and mushrooms, apparently. I'm not so down with this mild garlic business; garlic is like a woman with strong opinions who loves to share them -- muzzling her is immoral. There's also some other stuff I've never heard of and can't remember the name of...

I also need to boil the artichokes at some point. And steam broccoli. I get sick of salad really fast, though.


Linda said...

I steam my artichokes. Clip the tops and the pointy parts of the leaves. Clip the stalk down. Place upright in a steamer, steam for about 20-30 min depending on how big they are. They are done when you can pierce the stalk part easily with a fork or knife. Serve w/ melted lemon butter. Yum!

Linda said...

Leeks go really well with potatoes for soup. They are also good split in half and grilled.