Saturday, February 21, 2009

Schedule change

Remember in my last post I said the floor install would start next week! Just kidding!! Nathan talked to the tile place and they said our tile wasn't in stock yet! As it turns out, this makes James happy, because he decided to switch electricians and the new guys can start Monday. Nathan also was starting to think the walls should go in before the floors, so maybe that will all work out, with the floor tile install starting one week from Monday.

Tonight was a leftover night, and I think tomorrow may involve more cooking at the neighbors'.


Deborah said...

Man, I've been sitting here all weekend lamenting my complete lack of patience with my one child and totally in-tact kitchen... Kudos to you for having--and maintaining--such a down to earth attitude.

Kathy Schrenk said...

I am buoyed only by the knowledge that in a couple months I will have a kitchen 100 times better than the old one. Our current situation is a small sacrifice :-)

Matthew said...

Having a plan is great. It is amazing that things never go according to the plan. I hope these issues are resolved and the work goes ahead quickly.