But it also allows to experiment with flat ware. Those ones that look like regular plastic but supposedly biodegrade. So I'm taking a "biodegradable" fork, knife and spoon, and regular plastic knife, and throw them into the compost pile. When I turn the pile again in three weeks, we'll see how they're doing.
We'll start with this knife I got today at the Oakland Zoo, because it has a cool web address on it: taterware.com:
Here's a spoon I got at the Monterey Bay Aquarium a couple weeks ago with my clam-chowder-in-a-bread-bowl (it says "Eco-products" on one side and "Made from Plants" on the other):
A fork, also from the Oakland Zoo cafe; it says "dispoz-o USA" on it, and the web site claims that company's products are biodegradable:
And here's the plain, plastic knife:
So my assumption is that the stuff that is supposed to biodegrade will compost in my pile, since I have successfully turned a bunch of other stuff (kitchen scraps, paper plates, egg cartons) into compost. Tune in three weeks from now to see if anything happens...